I love our Cloth Diapers. \What an obvious statement to anyone who has read this blog more than 2 days, right? But, I needed to start out this post that way before I share my recent feelings.
- Our Cloth Diapers are giving me a headache.
- I’m getting frustrated with leaking issues.
- I always feel that I need to make our Cloth look “good” for friends and family, who I know are still questioning my decisions, in their heads.
Since Sophia has switched to Milk and became an Eating Machine, her bathroom habits have completely changed. Nighttime diapering is still going perfectly well with my Fitted/Wool combination, but daytime diapering is a totally different story.
She can’t wear a BumGenius, AppleCheeks, or even a Rumparooz {which was ALWAYS my go-to diaper for a longer wear time} for more than 1.5-2 hours.
At home, it’s not that big of deal but… when we’re out, changing diapers constantly is a big issue. Add in the fact that when we’re out with friends or family and I’m having to change Sophia’s clothes numerous times or complaining about pee leaking through onto me… major headache!
So, today I came across a post on the Abby’s Lane Facebook page that asked where the rise should be… I knew that I had read before that the diaper should sit right at or under the child’s belly button.
Our GroVia sits right where it should… but what did I notice when I put Sophia’s Rumparooz on just a little while ago? It came about 2 inches below her belly button!? Could this be our reason for all the leaking around her legs? I really hope so. I’m moving her BumGenius and Rumparooz to completely un-snapped and we’ll try it out.
If this doesn’t work, I’m guessing we’ll have to start bulking up her diapers and using a Microfiber and Hemp insert in each diaper to see if that will help out. I’ll keep you posted on how this journey goes!
Wednesday 6th of July 2011
Rumparooz seem to have a low rise and I moved my son up to the next setting in his Rumparooz before any other diaper. I am not an expert, but I moved because we were having leaks in the front. To me, it seemed like the diaper might not be coming up high enough to contain his pee. Once I moved the snaps, we haven't had any other issues. I moved my BumGenius about 2 weeks later, and we are still on the smallest setting for Gro-Via....same as he was wearing when he was newborn, which is weird, I guess now that he's 15 lbs, but the Gro-Via's just seem to have a different fit than the others.
becca scott
Wednesday 6th of July 2011
i am having problems with my bumgenius diapers leaking too! i moved them to the medium rise but that seems even worse. especially at night! i stuff with an extra hemp insert but he still leaks every night. i think he does on purpose to escape the crib and sleep with me. but my tots bots seems to contain the pee even without the extra stuffing. so glad i can admit this to someone since i dare not tell any fam or friends who will say "told you so." my hubby suggested using a disposable at night and i was horrified!
Wednesday 6th of July 2011
Where is he leaking from at night? I am by no means NO EXPERT, but it might give a hint as to why it's happening. I used to use BumGenius with Microfiber and 1 Hemp insert at night, but it no longer worked for us after awhile. I now use Fitteds and Wool Covers and have NO LEAKS EVER! I swear by the Wool combo. If you haven't tried Wool, you can revisit my Out Like a Lamb Event Posts, starting here... http://soeasybeinggreen-blog.com/2011/03/out-like-lamb-overnight-wool-and-fitted/ for some great info!
tiffany u
Wednesday 6th of July 2011
I had the same problem when my littlest one was needing to go up to a medium. Because Im still a rookie I had no clue why she was leaking all of the sudden. After much trial and error Ive found that by moving her up a size combined with doubling her inserts (hemp and bamboo seem trimmer and more absorbent) have done the trick. Good luck and keep us posted. Just remember for all of the friends and family who are looking at you like youre crazy for going the cloth route theres all of us who think they are crazy for not giving something so easy a try.
Wednesday 6th of July 2011
I think you're right... I think it's going to be a Size Up AND Double Up on Absorbency issue. She leaked out of a BumGenius that was opened all the way today. I'm going to try a couple of days before I have to double stuff. The only reason I'm hesitant... I need to invest in a few more bamboo/hemp inserts! Thanks for the advice!
Wednesday 6th of July 2011
Do your diapers feel soaked when you change her, or do they feel hardly wet at all? I'm just wondering if you are having some repelling problems, too.
I totally hear you about having friends/family who question you choice, and you feel like they are saying, "I told you so!" when your diapers start having problems. It really stinks!
Wednesday 6th of July 2011
No repelling issues... They're wet!! Sometimes soaking & sometimes I think they could actually hold more. The reason I feel like fit has so much to do with the problems is our Fitteds fit really well (duh!), which is all I use at nighttime & I don't have these same issues with them. I feel like I'm always justifying cloth to extended family & friends! It does stink!!
Tamara Sz
Tuesday 5th of July 2011
Rumparooz have a really low rise. My 11 mo old daughter has been wearing hers all the way unsnapped for several months now.