One great way to cloth diaper on a budget is by buying and selling cloth diapers – buy used cloth diapers and sell the diapers that don’t work for you. Here are the pros & cons of buying used cloth diapers.

Today we’re going to talk about a cloth diapering topic that I just love… buying used cloth diapers! I’ve been selling a few lately, not only to get a few new ones for Moreaya, but also to try some different types on Sophia, so that’s what inspired this week’s topic!
Why do I love it? Because it’s super green, you’re saving green, and you get to try a ton of different types of diapers! Those are my favorite reasons, but let’s technically lay out the Pros and Cons of buying used cloth diapers {and if I miss any that you’re thinking of, add them in the Comments!}
Pros of Buying Used Cloth Diaper:
- It’s green! Obviously you’re re-using an item that isn’t totally lifeless yet and in turn helping create less waste from those diapers being thrown away too prematurely.
- It’s cheap-er! Actually cloth diapers really don’t lose much of their value, unless they’re very old and worn, stained, or the PUL/elastic is shot. I usually pay between 50-70% of a diaper’s retail value for used if it’s in good shape. That’s about what I sell them for too.
- I usually steer more clear of WAHM diapers, unless I’ve read a review on another blog, but there’s a great opportunity out there to try all kinds of different diapers that you might not normally try. These diapers usually lose more of their value once they’re used so you also have the option of saving more money by getting them at a used price.
- They’re used. My husband shuddered that I would buy used cloth diapers in the beginning. Although I know he still doesn’t totally like it, he sees the process that we go through when washing used cloth diapers to clean them.
- You don’t know where they came from. You technically don’t know if the previous owner always used cloth diaper safe detergent, hung the covers to dry, or ever had issues with rashes or even technical problems with the diaper [PUL, snaps, elastic, etc.]
- Warranties. Usually when you re-sell diapers, the warranty is void so don’t count on manufacturers replacing a defective product if it’s bought used.
With those Pros and Cons, obviously buying used cloth diapers is for some people and not for others. You have to weigh these ideas and decide what is best for your family. I always felt like it’s such a great way to start your stash… as you get to try different diapers and lower costs and the best part? If you don’t like them, re-sell!
Expert Tip: It’s a great idea to buy used cloth diapers if you’re cloth diapering on a budget.

Some of the best places to buy used cloth diapers and sell them too are:
- Diaperswappers
- Facebook Marketplace
- Craigslist
- Ebay
- Friends
- Poshmark – Yes! There are a ton of cloth diapers for sale on this popular clothing app. Be sure to use the code GNAOI when you sign up to get $5 off your first purchase!
Saturday 20th of April 2013
I hope you've had a chance to check out Cloth Diaper Trader (which launched in November 2011) since writing this post. Also, I see you have some great natural living giveaways open. If you're looking for a place to submit your giveaways, I have a page for that on my site at
Giveaway Scout
Friday 14th of October 2011
Hi, I'd like to invite you to post your giveaways on our giveaway directory: Giveaway Scout ( Please submit your blog here: and once you receive our confirmation email you can post as many giveaways as you want. thanks, Josh
Friday 14th of October 2011
I've heard horror stories about buying used and thought it was really yucky at first, but I got hand-me-downs from a Mom that I knew took care of them properly. Then a Mommy Blogger I trust was selling some of her stash, so I tried those and it worked out really well. I've been frustrated trying DiaperSwappers and I'm still nervous about those sites, but I've been buying some gently used newborn diapers (how much use could they have gotten, really?) from CD sites that sell gently used from their trials and things. I figured if they give people the right soap, etc. it's pretty likely they used it. AND they tend to have really high standards regarding what they'll sell. Between blog wins, hand-me-downs, and buying used, my stash is pretty huge and hasn't cost me much at all.
Tasha Glasscock
Friday 14th of October 2011
Though my first won't be here to try out my new CD stash until Decmeber, I'm totally open to gently used fluff! My very first purchase was used, and since then I've found a great steal on 10 others used that look brand new and I saved over half. The only new ones in my stash were from a baby shower gift and some I found on clearance that were only a couple dollars more than what I paid for the same brand used. So through buying used along with some awesome friends I have 21 pocket diapers along with 2 shells with 6 soakers... which is like having 27 diapers to start my stash at the bargin price of about $145!!! If I had to buy these all brand new I would probably have about $500 invested in them which is a huge chance for a first time mom to take, who has no experience with cloth diapers. I have high hopes though and I feel blessed to have such great friends and have found such great deals. Now I just need to find some good used pail liners and wet bags and I'll be all set! :)
Sarah Jane
Friday 14th of October 2011
I have bought a few used diapers in the past and have not had a problem with them. I am willing to buy used diapers again. Though I will say, even though they are clean when I get them, I still wash them before putting them on my daughter. I have a friend who found cloth diapers on Craigslist for free just because the elastic needed to be replaced. She decided it was worth it to go through it for free cloth diapers.