When you decide to buy organic products for your family, you may think it will sacrifice your budget. Read these seven tips for saving money on organic food to stay on budget while going organic.

I remember when I first started buying organic products for my family. I also remember the sticker shock I experienced in the beginning. At first glance it can seem that buying organic foods will completely throw your budget off course, but if you follow these tips you’ll stay right on track!
Buy in Season
One of the first food groups that consumers choose to switch to organic is fruits and vegetables. It can also be one of the most expensive switches depending on different times of the year. To save money on organic produce, you’ll want to focus on buying items that are in season in your area.
Freeze Items that are on Sale
Going right along with the idea above, another great way to stay on budget when buying organic is to freeze foods that are on sale. You might not need multiple pounds of organic blueberries, but believe me, if you find them at a great price while they’re “in season”, buy more and freeze them for smoothies and muffins.
Buy Shelf-Stable Natural and Organic Products

While so many start with buying organic produce, when you’re on a budget a great place to start is with shelf-stable foods. Not only will you be able to buy when items are on sale, you don’t have to worry about a short shelf life.
One of the easiest ways to shop when you’re new to buying organic is to look for the USDA organic seal. It’s the green and white label at the top right of the Annie’s Organic Double Chocolate Brownie Mix above. That seal lets you know that the product is 100% organic and non-GMO.
Shop at Your Local Store
I live in rural east Tennessee and specialty health stores aren’t on every corner. Honestly I’m not too disappointed in that fact because with those specialty stores often comes higher prices. I love that I can shop at my local Publix and find lots of options of organic products at great prices.
Buy Store Brands

What’s even better than shopping at your favorite local market? Saving money by buying their store brands. Publix offers lines of their own organic products including their line of Greenwise Organic Milk. Buying store brand organic products can definitely make a huge impact on your receipt.
Use Coupons

If you thought you can’t find coupons for organic products, think again! They are definitely out there both in store form and manufacturer coupons. You can find some options for manufacturer coupons listed in this How to Buy Organic post.
Meal Plan
I always, always find that when I meal plan I stick to my budget much better. On Sunday nights I sit down and plan out our menu for the week along with a shopping list. This eliminates the practice of walking up and down the grocery aisles trying to decide what to serve and always over buying. It’s also a great idea to use store’s circular ads to plan your meals around organic items that are on sale!
Switching your family to a more organic lifestyle is definitely doable on any budget. It’s important to think about when foods are in season, take advantage of your favorite store’s coupons, and follow my other tips for saving money on organic foods.
Carolyn Wilson
Wednesday 24th of February 2021
I prefer buying organic for my family when it’s on sale.
Tuesday 4th of July 2017
I thought organic food is expensive. Thanks for sharing this. Really helpful.
Savannah Blake
Monday 8th of May 2017
I live in North Alabama! The closest health store type anything is in Huntsville, an hour drive away! I find most people on the internet are use to the city where these things are common. I guess us out here in the middle of no where are expected to just grow all our own stuff 😅
Thanks for sharing!
Diana @ NannyToMommy
Thursday 20th of April 2017
Great tips!