Although International Babywearing Week was last week, we’re still talking baby carriers {you don’t mind, right!?} because Fall Back into Babywearing is still going strong for another week or two. One of the carriers that you can win is the carrier that I’m going to show you today {that I was sent free to review}… the Oh Mei! from BabyHawk!
This carrier intrigued me at first glance. Let me start off by telling you a little about BabyHawk and the three types of carriers they make:
One child, plus two arms, plus one million things to do, equals me needing a baby carrier that not only matched my style but is functional and comfortable as well. A mother’s time is, perhaps, more valuable than anyone else’s, and at BabyHawk our goal is to make your parenting experience easier.
Along with the original BabyHawk Mei Tai {a carrier that is in fact like a wrap, but with a body panel}, BabyHawk also now makes an Oh Snap! carrier, which is similar to other Soft Structured Carriers with buckles at the waist, shoulder straps, and a chest clip. The Oh Mei! is a complete hybrid of the two!
It features a waist strap, but the top is mei tai style. I consulted MY babywearing professional, my good friend Jenny from According to Jenny, on ways that I should tie the straps because I’ve never used a Mei Tai style before… I’m usually just a SSC kinda gal. Turns out, there are a ton of different ways to tie the top, but this crossover on the front was the one that made me the most comfortable.
Although it’s usually much easier for me to put her in a Front Carry {especially if I’m by myself}, I way prefer to have her on my back now that she’s taller. It’s a bit hard to see around her, although it sure is nice to have those snuggles!
That’s one thing that I do absolutely love about the Oh Mei. I’ve found that I can put her in a back carry much more easily than I can with a SSC. Why? Because I the straps are so long that they’re easy for me to grab and pull over my shoulders without struggling to find a shoulder strap and getting her in the seat good, like I do in a SSC back carry when I’m solo.
Crisscrossing the straps, on both front and back carrys, have been the most comfortable for me. I’m still practicing with others, but it seems to be the easiest to get the straps pulled good and tight for me as well.
The Oh Mei! can be used with children from 15 to 45 pounds and I definitely see how it can accommodate larger children. Moreaya is about 23 pounds and fits in just right, with a high back panel and lots of room for the seat to be comfy.
Feedback on the BabyHawk Carriers speaks volumes about this brand. It seems that once you have a BabyHawk, you’re a BabyHawk customer for life and I can’t disagree with that! The quality of the Oh Mei! is outstanding. It’s thick, durable, and well, absolutely gorgeous.

BabyHawk Carriers are made in the USA of 100% cotton chino twill and 100% quilting-quality cotton. The Oh Mei! is available on and retails for $108.95.
Be sure to connect with BabyHawk on social media via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and instagram.
Sunday 26th of April 2020
I used a Moby, then switched to the Babyhawk Oh Snap. I LOVE it, partly because it is so simple to just snap on to the perfect fit ??
Michael Lambert
Sunday 3rd of November 2013
This looks like a good carrier. Looks confusing at first, but I'm sure my wife could figure it out.
Diana Chastain
Sunday 3rd of November 2013
I can't tell if it's uncomfortable or you were nervous about your picture being taken, but I LOVE the pattern! That looks like a great carrier! I am definitely going to need to baby wear with this baby, because this time I will have a toddler running around! LOL
Monday 4th of November 2013
Haha, probably more about the picture! ;) The carrier is very comfortable. Thanks, Diana!
Maggie Russell
Sunday 3rd of November 2013
I love the anchor one! With all my dabbling in different carriers, I've never tried a half-buckle or a Babyhawk, so this would be interesting for me to play with.
Danielle Fish
Sunday 3rd of November 2013
The carriers look well made, but I'm not I'm sold on the prints.