Choosing to use menstrual cloth pads is better for you health and environment. Here’s how to prep them, wash them, and store your mama cloth stash!

This is the second post in my Mama Cloth series. You can read the 1st part here. Remember, these posts are all about menstruation and being comfortable with the topic and your body – if you’re not interested, please skip this post!
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One of the things that scares people away from using cloth menstrual pads is the worry about washing them. I promise, it’s not hard {or gross} at all! If you cloth diaper your child, you’ll find that the process is very similar and you’ll probably use some of your cloth diaper accessories with your Mama Cloth too!
How to Prep Menstrual Cloth Pads
I’ve read a couple of different opinions on prepping your cloth pads. One says treat them like you would your cloth diapers – they need to be washed a few times so they’ll be more absorbent.
I just don’t see this really being the case since you’re not expecting your cloth pads to actually absorb the amount of liquid {or the rate of speed} that urine goes into your baby’s diapers. I simply wash all of my Mama Cloth once before I used them.
Reusable Mama ClothPlanet Wise Lite Wet Bag
Planet Wise Travel Bag
Instead Softcups
How to Store Mama Cloth
While I’m on my period, I store my pads in a small basket that fits on the back of my toilet.
I’m sure there is an easier way to organize by different types of pads, but this works for me. The basket sits just where I need it. The other 3 weeks out of the month, the basket goes into our bathroom closet.
You’ll also notice that during my period I hang a small wet bag on the side of the toilet.
My favorite wetbags for menstrual cloth pads are these. They’re roomy, plus big enough that I can use them for other things like wet bathing suits, change of clothes for my girls, and more.
I purchased one of these for when I’m in public because it’s much smaller and better suited for menstrual cloth pads. I can fit a couple of clean pads in the dry side and put my used pads in the wet bag part of it.
How to Wash Mama Cloth
Now, let’s go into laundry routines. There are a couple of different ways to wash your Mama Cloth. Some suggest throwing them in with your cloth diapers {if you cloth diaper} and others suggest throwing them in with your towels. I do both.
7pcs Set: Mini Wet Bag, 8 Inch Charcoal Bamboo Menstrual PadsIt’s best to wash your used pads every other day, at the longest. This helps with general cleanliness.
So, put them in whatever load you wish – diapers or towels. I would suggest washing in Warm/Hot water and just using a regular routine. Once again, I don’t think you have to worry about build-up or any other concerns like you do with cloth diapers.
If you worry about stains, and light-colored topped Mama Cloth will stain, you can even spray them off with your diaper sprayer. I don’t worry about this step at all, because unlike Moreaya’s cloth diapers – no one but me will see my cloth pads and I don’t plan to resell like I do with cloth diapers.
I dry my pads in the dryer since I would have to have a lot of space to lay them out to dry. It takes very little time for them to dry so that’s not an issue at all.
Thursday 31st of May 2018
I have a stash of mama cloth that doesn’t absorb at all ! I bought from a lady who makes them a while ago ( I don’t have her info anymore ) I wore them out one day and it didn’t absorb not even a little . Do I strip ?
Friday 1st of June 2018
I would think it's definitely worth a try!
Saturday 2nd of April 2016
Thanks for all your helpful tips about reusable cloth pads. I'm just considering whether or not they're worth the hassle with extra laundry, etc.
Monday 29th of January 2018
They are just so much more comfortable for me. It doesn't feel like I'm wearing a diaper anymore lol
Pimp Your Pinterest #2: Drinks and Smoothies - A Mama Collective
Wednesday 30th of October 2013
[…] Care for Mama Cloth, from Lindsey @ So Easy Being Green […]
Pimp Your Pinterest #2: Drinks and Smoothies - Mishmash Mama
Wednesday 30th of October 2013
[…] Care for Mama Cloth, from Lindsey @ So Easy Being Green […]
Wednesday 19th of June 2013
Thanks for the post on mama cloth care! I just started using them and I really like them!