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How to Lanolize Wool Soakers in Under 2 Minutes [Video]

Adding wool soakers into your cloth diapering routine can seem daunting, but it really is easy. In this video tutorial, I’ll show you how to lanolize wool soakers in under 2 minutes!

How to Lanolize Wool Soakers Tutorial

Using wool with a cloth diapering routine is one of those things that people usually resist until it becomes totally necessary. I think it’s just because it’s another step that isn’t quite as widely known about and using something new can seem daunting.

This was definitely the case for me as well, but deciding to use wool soakers in our cloth diapering process completely saved cloth diapering for us!

It became totally necessary for us when Sophia was 9 months old. She was soaking through a bumGenius  pocket diaper doubled with hemp inserts at night.

Disana Organic Merino Wool CoverDisana Organic Merino Wool CoverNOW Lanolin Pure, 7-OunceNOW Lanolin Pure, 7-OunceAmazonBasics Foldable Drying Rack - WhiteAmazonBasics Foldable Drying Rack – WhiteEucalan No Rinse Delicate Unscented WashEucalan No Rinse Delicate Unscented Wash

I was getting totally frustrated at having to wash her sheets every morning – not to mention having a cranky, wet baby every day!

One of my number one concerns was ruining wool (after paying what seems like a high price) by prepping it incorrectly. In the beginning I didn’t even know what “lanolizing” meant. I didn’t know how in the world to do it.  I didn’t know how long it was going to take to add in this extra step to cloth diapering.

Most importantly, I didn’t know why you had to do it or how it works. But… now I do and I want to share all of that information with you!

Although most people talk about cloth diapering with wool in the overnight sense, it can be used during the daytime too. I think the reason that it’s most often looked at as a nighttime option is because the combination of a fitted cloth diaper and wool makes for a bulletproof nighttime routine for most babies, no matter their age.

So why then do most parents dread using wool? Because they think it’s going to be hard like I did. Washing, Lanolizing, Drying – oh my! 

News Flash – it’s super easy and can be done it under 2 minutes [except for the soaking time] IF you’re not taking a video and can use both hands, which I was in the video tutorial below.

How to Lanolize Wool Soakers

  1. Wash your wool diaper covers with a wool wash (Check out this GREAT DEAL on my favorite wool wash).
  2. While your woolies are soaking in their wash (for at least 15 minutes), boil about 1 cup of water. Add a pea-sized drop of lanolin.
  3. Turn your wool soaker inside out and put them in a bowl with lukewarm water. Add the lanolin mixture. Massage your wool diaper cover to get them coated. Leave your wool to soak for about 30 minutes.
  4. After about 30 minutes, I wring my wool diaper covers out (carefully!) and lay or hang them to dry. I usually let them dry all day long and they’ll be ready to wear by that night!

That’s it!  The lanolizing process is done.  Easy, right? I’ve made it even easier – check out some of my favorite products below to make cloth diapering with wool a success!

Now you see what I mean about under 2 minutes? I talked a bit too much and fiddled to show you everything, but the process really can be done that fast. Although, you’ll definitely want to let your wool soak in the lanolin and water for at least 15 minutes!

As I said in the How to Lanolize Wool Soakers video, if you’re using wool diaper covers only at night – unless they get soiled – you’ll probably only have to do this process every 2-3 weeks. Even if your wool feels a bit damp in the morning, set it aside and let it air dry and take a whiff.

When it starts smelling a bit stinky after it’s dry, it’s time to lanolize again! That’s one of my favorite parts about using wool diaper covers over PUL waterproof covers because they have to be washed every couple of days.

Why do you even need to lanolize wool soakers for cloth diapering?

Soaking your wool soakers in a lanolin + water mixture actually gives the wool a water-repelling property. This makes the nighttime combination bulletproof because the wool soaker repels the water so the liquid stays in a fitted diaper.

Believe it or not, you won’t have leaks on your crib sheets at all!

How to Lanolize Wool Soakers for Cloth Diapering

Have more questions about wool?  Check out my Cloth Diapering with Wool FAQs.


Thursday 18th of August 2016

This is the first I've heard of this! I know about lanolin, my mom used to knit and would get wool that has the lanolin still in it, but didn't realize it could be used this way! Great to know!


Saturday 15th of March 2014

Well after cloth diapering 5 kids and prepping to cloth #6, I've been at this 18 years. And this time wool just keeps coming back to mind. Im about 90% ready to change direction and dump PUL and taffeta for wool. I feel like there is a reason the decision Jeeps re-surfacig on a weekly basis. So hows that for taking a long time lol.

Julie Wood

Monday 11th of November 2013

I always wondered how you wash and lanolize wool, but I see it can be done in 2 minutes. This is really easy, and never knew how to do it. Thanks for the awesome tips on how to do this!


Monday 11th of November 2013

Absolutely, Julie! Thanks for the comment. It really is easy once you get the hang of it!


Tuesday 24th of September 2013

You mention using fitteds under the soaker... I use prefolds with a snappi closure. This is about the same right? I don't have to buy fitteds, right?

I am going to knit my own soakers soon. So excited.


Tuesday 24th of September 2013

Yes Michelle, prefolds will absolutely work - as long as they are absorbent enough for overnight. Just make sure your snappi doesn't snag on your soakers.

And yes - knit your own! Lots of people do! I'm assuming that you lanolize knit soakers the same way as the wool ones that I use. I think they need to be felted first, but honestly, I'm not totally sure that is true. I need to look into that part!


Monday 19th of August 2013

Just wanted to say, I learned something new to me. How neat! (It was fun to also hear your voice :o) And I did take a look at your other video of your sweet girl singing Twinkle, twinkle and counting and abc'S! What a smart and precious girl!

I hope you all are doing well!! We are settling in nicely here in Kentucky, so am trying to get back into my one post a week!

Blessings & Aloha!


Friday 23rd of August 2013

Thank you for stopping by, Maria!  It means so much to me when I see your comments.  And yes, when I added this video I came across that one of Sophia and showed it to her.  She's wanted to watch it over and over and OVER!  ;)