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Hollywood Wax Museum Entertainment Center – Top 20 Attractions in Pigeon Forge, TN

If you haven’t checked out my list of the Top 20 Attractions that you do NOT want to miss on your next visit to the Smoky Mountains, you should.  That’s because today’s post is all about one that made the list!


When I published my List of Top 20 Attractions, I received a couple of comments specifically mentioning the relatively new to the area, Hollywood Wax Museum.  Guess what?  Not only did it make my list, but we had the opportunity to visit the Museum for the first time a few weeks ago!

dollypartonwaxUnfortunately both girls were a little tired {it had been a long day of attraction visiting!}, so they would have enjoyed it a bit more if they were rested, but Rob and I had the best time!  It was so incredible to see some of these figures – some were SO REAL that I seriously looked at them waiting for them to come alive.  Seriously.

rickybobbywaxThere was anybody and everybody that you can think of represented in the museum.  Not only are you able to see and get pictures with your favorite wax celebrities, there are great little informational plaques at each one too.  We found out, from those plaques, that Megan Fox is from a town just right outside of Knoxville, TN!  I had no clue.

And not only do you have the opportunity to cuddle up next to the handsome celebrities, your hubby can have the chance to pretend to beat up one too.

punchingbradpittwaxNo wax figures were harmed during our visit!  No worries!

Moreaya finally perked up at the end of the Museum tour when we got to the King of Pop.  There were great MJ songs playing with a disco ball and Mo broke it down.  It was so fun!

DancingwithMJCollageThe Hollywood Wax Museum Entertainment Center also encompasses a couple other attractions that sit right behind the Wax Museum, called Castle of Chaos.


There are 2 attractions housed in the castle, which is spectacular on the inside and out!  Sophia was super excited about visiting a “real castle“!

The Castle of Chaos is actually a 5D adventure which is a bit scary, so we skipped that part, but we thoroughly enjoyed Hannah’s Maze of Mirrors!  It was one of the most fun things {for all of us} that we did all weekend!


I’ve never done a mirror maze before and this was so much fun!  It was really fun trying to navigate around, figuring out which image of the girls was actually a reflection and which one was really them – I was scared to death I was going to lose one of them in the maze!  The idea is to find the princess and once you actually see her, it takes a bit to figure out which one is the real her too!  So fun, this is a really – do not miss attraction in Pigeon Forge!

And then you go through the craziest tunnel I’ve ever experienced.  I’ll leave it at that.  But if you’ve experienced it too, be sure to let me know!

My family was provided with complimentary tickets to the the Hollywood Wax Museum Entertainment Center, but was under no obligation to share them in this post.  All opinions are 100% my own… the Smoky Mountains really are my beloved second home!  #PFTitanicFam