One way that I’m living green-er lately is by using essential oils. I am so excited about sharing my experience with Young Living Essential Oils and just how they’re helping me Green My Summer!
I admit that I’m still totally new to the Essential Oils scene. I’ve used them to make DIY Cleaning Wipes [a fabulous alternative to disposable bleach wipes], but I’m still learning great ways to use them in our every day life too. Jamie, the fabulous lady behind the H.O.P.E. drops, a Young Living consultant, was kind enough to share some fabulous uses for Young Living Essential Oils with me.
I was especially interested in different ways that the oils could help treat and prevent specific things to go right along with Summer!
Lavender: Sunburn Soothing, great for Scrapes and Bruises, Allergies (airborne or skin), Dry skin, Poison Ivy Relief, and Heatstroke
Peppermint: Also great for preventing Heatstroke, Allergies (airborne or skin), Energizing, Curb Appetite, and Pain Relief [I love this for helping with headaches!]
Lemon: Cleaning, Gum Removal, Water and Air Purification, Dissolving Cellulite, Great for adding to favorite recipe or beverage
**The above oils can also be combined, 3 drops of each, in a capsule with a carrier oil 2-3x’s a day for Spring and Summer Allergy Relief!
Joy: This blend is amazing for keeping a happy heart while entertaining your energetic children all summer! A drop of joy over your heart combats anxiety and depression.
PanAway: If you’re working out this summer, then PanAway may became your best friend! Pain relief, stimulates quicker healing of injuries, promotes circulation, and helps bumps & bruises.
Purification: Don’t camp without it! Bug and Pest repellant, Treat Insect/Spider Bites, Bee & Wasp stings, Air purification, Wounds and Cuts, and Cleansing.
Lucky for you and me – Young Living makes all these oils – the 3 single oils and 4 blends [also includes Peace and Calming, not listed above] in a Kit to make them more affordable and easy to obtain.
The Essential 7 is one that every family should own as it contains the 7 most common, essential Young Living Essential Oils. I really prefer purchasing a collection like this, rather than 1 oil at a time, simply because I know they’re the ones used most often and with a huge variety of uses of each oil and blend.
What did you learn about Young Living Essential Oils or which oil would you most like to try?
Heather Palmer
Monday 30th of June 2014
I would like to try lavender in the bedrooms for it's calming effect.
Keri B.
Monday 30th of June 2014
Loves thieves and joy!!
Lori Williams
Monday 30th of June 2014
I have been reading a lot about essential oils, doing research. I am very interested in trying all the oils. We also have a one year old granddaughter living with us, and I think many of the oils will help her. Thanks!
Sue J.
Monday 30th of June 2014
I would love to try their Lemongrass Oil!
kortney Picker
Monday 30th of June 2014
I learned that many doctors and hospitals use this brand, that really says a lot about the company!