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Fluffy Friday: Motherease Cloth Diapers

Most of you have probably heard of Motherease Cloth Diapers.  It seems that they are a company that’s been around for a long time, in the cloth diapering world, and definitely has a product that will out last some of the diapering fads that come along.

Motherease Cloth Diapers

Their system is a tried and true system… a fitted diaper and a water-proof, re-usable cover!  How much simpler can diapering get?  Before I tried them myself, I had read numerous accounts that Mother-ease’s Sandy’s Diapers were a great option for night-time diapering. 

I am obsessed with having lots of options for night-time for Sophia and the Baby-To-Come!  So, when I had the chance to review this system, I jumped at it!

This system is as simple as it seems it would be.

I chose a Small size Sandy’s Fitted Diaper, which is advertised to fit 8-20 lbs. Sophia is right at 20-21 lbs and is quite skinny so it actually fits her really well right now. I’m guessing it won’t fit much longer but I have another little babe who will put it to good use, I’m sure! 

For daytime, the diaper along with the Sandy’s Liner makes a great daytime diaper, but it was soaked after night-time. I decided to add a small hemp insert with it and liked the results better. I used the diaper under a wool cover.

The Air Flow Cover is a super cute Oceans 2 print. It’s very thin, compared to some other PUL covers that I own and I can totally see that it is more breathable than others as well. I prefer to use this cover during the daytime {yes, I’m a wool snob for night-time}. I really love this combo when we’re hanging at the house and I can let her run around in this cute cover!

Buy It:  You can purchase the same set that I reviewed here, a Sandy’s Introductory offer, on the Mother-ease website for $21.95.

Beth Shehee

Sunday 24th of July 2011

I love this form, it's so easy to work with!

Andrea G.

Wednesday 20th of July 2011

Rafflecopter took awhile for me to get used to, but I do love it much better than comment entries. Although I should mention that the way you were doing giveaways before with the Google form was pretty simple as well, so either way works for me.

Virginia Soul

Tuesday 19th of July 2011

I love Rafflecopter! I think it's the easiest way to enter giveaways like this!

Olivia L

Tuesday 19th of July 2011

I find both Rafflecopter and Google forms easy to use (and SO much nicer than comment entry giveaways). I can't speak to the experience of setting up the forms, but for me as an entrant, the major advantage to Rafflecopter is no duplicate entries. I can easily see what I've entered, and I imagine that would be easier for you too. I love that I can instantly see how many entries there are and when the giveaway ends (I know that you used to leave the link to the spreadsheet so we could check numbers, but nobody else does that). I've never had any problems filling them out, so my vote is to keep Rafflecopter.


Tuesday 19th of July 2011

Thanks for your input! I really feel that there are Pros and Cons to them both, but Rafflecopter is winning by just a bit with me for now! I think it can only get better with more updates too!

Dusty Smith

Monday 18th of July 2011

i like Rafflecopter. i don't think i've ever used Google forms, but this seems easy enough. the only thing i don't like is having to re-enter my info on each entry line. i wish it would copy my FB and Twitter names so i don't have to retype them, but that's just me being lazy :)


Tuesday 19th of July 2011

That doesn't bug me so much, but I think that's because there are so many other blogs who just have you comment one million times!!


Tuesday 19th of July 2011

I totally agree! I hate the fact that you have to re-type your FB name as well. Maybe that will be in one of their updates?! :)