Spring weather will be arriving quickly and every April, Earth Day rolls around to raise awareness for our environment. Finding a few Earth Day activities for kids will help your children understand why it is important to protect our natural resources.

Since children are the future of this planet, it is important to teach them to be good stewards of our planet at a young age.
And since we’re all currently social distancing, these are some great opportunities to still get out and explore the world arounds us!
Earth Day Activities for Kids
There are many ways that you and your family can dive into Earth Day but here are a few simple Earth Day activities for kids that you should consider.
Read a book: There are many books available that encourage children to live a more sustainable life.
Even children as young as 2 or 3 can understand the message about recycling from a children’s book about the environment.
Make sure to read age appropriate books and find a real life activity that pairs well with the lesson they just read about.
Go on a nature walk: Children will only learn to protect the environment if it is something they have learned to love.
Make a list of natural items you might find in your neighborhood. Then, grab a small cloth bag and head out on a backyard scavenger hunt.
Make sure to stop and smell the flowers and dig in the dirt. Children learn best when they can use all of their senses to absorb the message.
Try an upcycled craft: One of the most popular Earth Day activities for kids is crafting! Make sure you are mindful of the materials involved and the waste that your craft produces.
Try upcycling something from your recycle bin and turning it into something useful. You can make seed planters out of yogurt cups and even more!
Make yogurt cup bracelets, a votive candle holder from a baby food jar, or a scrapbook from a cereal box.
You can even make these DIY Microphones out of toilet paper rolls – my kids LOVE these! The possibilities of upcycled crafts are endless!
If your kids love to bake, you need to try your hand at making these adorable Earth Day inspired cookies!

Get kids into the garden: Children love playing in the dirt and gardening with kids is a fun hobby. Make sure you let them actually get dirty. Stop and talk about the worms you find and how they break down the soil into nutrients that the plants can use.
Choose large seeds to plant that tiny fingers can grasp easily. Peas and beans are good choices. Don’t forget about your garden once you plant it.
Make sure they learn that plants need water and compost and a bit of hands on work in order to thrive. You can even teach them about making compost with food scraps!
Volunteer in the community: If you are looking for Earth Day activities for kids that give back to the community, try attending a river cleanup or other environment based service project.
If your children are younger, or you live in an area without many community projects, just take a trash bag into your neighborhood and pick up trash. Our planet is a fragile one, and the resources that she provides are not endless.
Without a bit of human nurturing, those resources may become too scarce or polluted to support humanity as a species.
Find a few Earth Day activities for kids and guide your children on their way to becoming good stewards of the world around them.