If you’re planning to, or already using, cloth wipes you’re probably wondering what to use on them during diaper changes. Here are some of my favorite choices when it comes to a great cloth wipe solution!

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Whether you’re doing research about using cloth wipes, or you’re already using them, at some point you’ll probably start to wonder if you’re using the best cloth wipe solution. I’ve actually tried quite a few different ones, including using just plain water, and today I’m going to share with you a few of my favorite DIY cloth wipe solutions.
You may remember that when I featured the organic bamboo velour cloth wipes last week, I asked for some tips on a good DIY cloth wipe solution. I was at that point where I felt like there might be a better option out there for us.
There are tons of solution options that you can buy to use with your cloth wipes, but I do love to DIY. Thankfully, a few readers came through and I want to share their tips and cloth wipe solutions with you!

Cloth Wipe Solution Recipes:
From Leann:
She uses a mixture of distilled water and baby shampoo. Check out her post to get lots of detailed instructions and pictures! She also let me know that she’s been adding a couple of drops of Tea Tree Oil lately. This must be the magic ingredient as it’s found in all 3 solutions that I was sent!

This wipes solution is by far the most unique I’ve ever seen! Leann actually makes a foaming wipe solution. I LOVE this idea because I also love foaming hand soap – you can get my recipe here.
From Jamie at Triple Duty Momma:
This recipe is very similar to the one above, except it makes a lot more of the cloth wipe solution and also includes baby oil.
- 2 cups water
- 1 tablespoon natural baby shampoo
- 1 teaspoon baby oil
- 3 drops tea tree oil
The tea tree oil is an antiseptic/antifungal so it should actually help prevent rashes. You can basically tweak it for your needs. Another variation is to substitute [the baby oil] with olive oil. The lavender oil is just for scent so it’s not really necessary. I hope this helps. I would just stick this in a spray bottle and try it out.
From Beth at Generously Green:
- 1 tsp of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soap (I use Baby Mild, but you could use other scents)
- 10ish drops of Tea Tree Oil
- 10ish drops of Lemongrass Essential Oil
- Distilled water
- I put it in a small stainless steel squirt bottles.
All 3 of these DIY cloth wipe solutions can be pre-made and either put into a glass spray bottle [if you use any essential oils, glass is a must!] or poured over your cloth wipes in a disposable wipe box.
I really prefer keeping my wipes pre-moistened and folded in a disposable diaper box just because it’s easier and faster to me than spraying a wipe when it’s time for a diaper change.
If you want to learn how to fold your cloth wipes so they pop up like disposable wipes in a box, watch the video here.
Monday 23rd of January 2017
Exploring cloth wipes now so perfect timing!
Sunday 24th of April 2011
Ha -- a spork! I love it <3
I read alot about tea tree oil and how it has been used as an antifungal for CENTURIES -- the infections that are around now a days are stronger, it seems, than the antibodies in the TTO. so when you are using the TTO, you are only "hiding" the bacteria and essentially it can come back even stronger and TTO will no longer be able to fight it off at all.
here's my favorite & most informative article that i read about it --http://everythingbirth.wordpress.com/2010/06/15/the-truth-about-tea-tree-oil-and-cloth-diapers/
i know everything is always heresay, but this girl seems to know what she is talking about, and it makes alot of sense to me..... maybe only me? LOL <3
M's Mama
Saturday 23rd of April 2011
The plastic fork was a really good idea!!