When I worked in childcare, parents would always talk about their baby teething. I thought “Geeze Louise. How bad could teething really be?” Then I became a parent… and found out.
Actually, Sophia didn’t have a hard time teething and Moreaya’s not been so bad either. She just got her 8th tooth so we might have more problems when the molars come around!
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I first heard about Amber Teething Necklaces on a Mommy Forum. We were cloth diapering and trying to go green and natural so I thought a natural way to help with teething only made sense.
I had the same first questions that most ask me when they see Moreya’s necklace now so here are the answers if you have some too! So when I was sent an Amber Necklace and Bracelet from Spark of Amber, recently, I thought it was the perfect time to do so!
How does it work? Does the baby chew on the necklace?
No, No, NO! Never let your baby chew on an amber necklace. The healing properties of the necklace are actually released by the warmth of skin – so simply laying upon your child’s skin will be enough for the amber necklace to work!
What size, color, style is the best?
It’s best to measure your child – you want the necklace to sit low enough as to not be too tight, but not too low that they’ll find it often.
As far as color and style – the lighter the amber, usually the higher the concentrate of Succinic Acid it has. The more nugget style – not polished, is supposed to have higher concentrates as well.
Do you leave the necklace on all the time?
I actually never take Moreaya’s off – she sleeps, plays, and bathes in it. If you’re not comfortable with that, you can take it off. Or you can even get a different type of amber jewelry for you or your child.
Spark of Amber also sells bracelets, which I use on Moreaya as an anklet so she doesn’t notice it as much.
Do the necklaces lose their power?
Everything I’ve read says “No”, but I would think that you would want to replace after awhile of wear.
Do they work?
Can I just say that I honestly don’t know. Both of my girls have worn a baltic amber necklace since they started cutting their first teeth.
Neither have really ever had a problem. I’ve seen children of my friends who had issues for days when they got new teeth, but my girls haven’t really ever had those issues. Is it because they wear an amber necklace? I have no idea BUT I’m not taking it off to find out!
Something is working for them {or they just have really good gums} and we’ll leave it at that!
Is teething the only thing that the baltic amber necklaces are for?
No! I’ve heard Moms say that they really help their children with reflux issues. I even wore Moreaya’s bracelet for a few days to see if I noticed a difference in headaches/sinus issues {I didn’t}, but some say they do.
The girls’ necklaces are always a conversation starter. It’s fun to see people’s reactions when they hear why they’re wearing the necklaces!
At Spark of Amber you can find baltic amber teething necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings… you name it, they probably have it in Baltic Amber!
Thursday 5th of April 2018
What is the best type of amber teething necklace? I want only the best for my baby.
Katherine Branson
Sunday 5th of November 2017
I got to buy one for my son. It breaks my heart to see him cry. I hope this might help him in his teething process though! I was having trouble making decision in buying one but since there are lots of comments here recommending it, there's no harm in trying.
Wednesday 3rd of June 2015
Amber is incredible and unmatched in its natural healing powers – and not just for children. People have used amber for centuries for arthritis, respiratory infections including chronic asthma, as a stress reliever that interacts with the body’s nervous system and much, much more.
Amber Buddy
Wednesday 27th of May 2015
I think that it all happened through amber teething necklaces because it really work and it is my own experience.
Amber Buddy
Monday 4th of May 2015
Amber Buddy is a family-owned business with a rich legacy in creating amber jewelry. We offer the widest range of authentic Baltic amber teething and nursing products for babies, kids and adults. adult amber bracelets