Creating a Cat Gifts Basket is the perfect gift for new pet parents as it helps them ready their home for the new furry arrival!

When we decided to bring in a new pet a few months ago, I researched and googled everything I could because I had completely forgot what it was like to have a kitten in the house. Our cat, Roxy, passed away from health complications in November and at the age of 14, she was nothing at all like a kitten. It had been 14 years since I brought a new kitten home so I definitely needed to read up on the subject.
Luckily, I was prepared from my research because when we went to pick up the kitten that we had decided on from a friend’s surprise litter… we ended up coming home with TWO!
Someone had backed out at the last minute for the remaining kitten and I just couldn’t bear to leave her behind by herself. That’s when Bella and Frosty both came home with us just over 2 months ago!
As we prepared for their arrival, there were certain things we definitely knew we needed and it inspired me to create a cute Cat Gifts Basket idea for our kittens, but also a fun idea to give other new cat parents when they adopted their furry kitten!
Everyone knows that you’ll need food, water, and cat litter – those are definitely at the forefront of supply needs with a kitten. But just as important as those initial three are treats and toys! Kittens have a lot of energy, oh believe me, lots. We’re constantly finding Frosty hanging on curtains, Bella hiding under chairs only to jump out at our toes, and the both of them in cabinets that they sneak in when we’re not looking! They also like to crash photo shoots of Cat Gifts Baskets too!

That’s why toys are a must for kittens. The more toys you have, within reason, the less likely they will be to start planning with your pens and scissors on your desk [true story]. And the treats? Those are for rewards when they chew on appropriate toys and food!

If you’re ready to make your own Cat Gifts Basket, for your own little bundle of fur or for a new pet parent friend, here’s what you’ll need:

- Cat Food: We love the IAMS™ Purrfect Delights Wet Cat Food cans because they’re the perfect size!
- Cat Food Bowl: I found a ton of cute bowls in the cat aisle at Walmart.
- Cat Toys: Remember, give those kitten appropriate toys to save your furniture! Our kittens LOVE catnip and these tiny toy mice!
- Cat Litter and Deodorizer: If you’re making a big enough basket, add in a deodorizer or essential oils to help the new pet parents control the litter box odor.
- Cat Treats: Depending on the age of your cat, pick an IAMS™ treat that suits your pet’s needs.
Although they are into literally everything, I wouldn’t trade these two kittens for anything! They’ve brought a fun energy back into our house and given my girls a great companion and way to learn responsibility. If you have a special furry friend in your life, or know someone who is becoming a new pet parent, consider making them a Cat Gifts Basket!

Amber Ludwig
Tuesday 8th of March 2016
Such an adorable idea!! Plus, my son loves the pet store so would adore putting it together with me!! Win win lol!!