I am a Step2 Ambassador and am partnering with Step2 for the following post. The company graciously allowed me to Play It Forward this Holiday season and essentially gave me the best Christmas blessing of all.
A few years ago, we had the opportunity to bless a sweet family that is so dear to my heart, with the help of Step2. I chose to “play it forward” by gifting a play kitchen to my best friend and her 3 foster children. Update on them – they’re now “forever family” as they were adopted over a year ago! Their family has always been so special to me and being able to gift them a Step2 Play Kitchen was just wonderful.
Fast forward a couple of years and one of my favorite toy companies is doing it again! Step2 graciously allowed me to pick a toy to “play it forward” to another family or child and as soon as I found out that I got to do it again, one family came to my mind for a couple of reasons.

Meet Michelle and her family of 7. If she looks a bit familiar, there’s a good reason for that. Michelle has been blogging at Mama’s Baby Cupcakes for just about as long as I’ve been blogging. We’ve been online friends for probably about 5 years now, thanks to the blogging world. I’ve watched as her family has grown from 5 to 6 to now 7.

You also may notice something about her family when you look at these pictures… those are a lot of long-haired beautiful blonde girls in this family. Michelle’s youngest son, Maximus, was the first boy after 4 lovely girls. When I saw the new Step2 Turbo Coupe Interceptor, I immediately thought of Michelle and Max.
With a house full of girls, I figured a lot of his toys might be in the pink and purple hues – as they would be in my house with my 2 girls too! I thought it would be the perfect gift for this cute little guy!

This kids foot-to-floor ride-on allows junior police officers to patrol, protect and navigate the busy city streets or stroll through the neighborhood. Parents will be able to turn this kid’s police car on a dime with the easy-steer, 360-degree turning. This kid’s patrol car ride-on features a shady canopy top with realistic law enforcement decals just like the ones used by police officers everywhere. Mom or Dad can support their little troops by using the canopy handle for parental steering or using the removable floor board for little patrol officers to push themselves around!

While the Step2 Turbo Coupe Interceptor is for children from ages 1.5 to 5, little Max will have a little time to wait until he can start riding. But until then, his little big sister Mya is happy to oblige with taking it for a spin!

I wanted to bless this family with a new toy this Christmas for their new little boy, but I also wanted to bless Michelle in a way to thank her for our friendship over the past few years. She’s always been so helpful, so encouraging, and around when I need an ear to listen.
She’s a giving person, which is quite evident when you have 5 children, as she seems to always put others needs before her own!
While I was trying to bless another family, I, in turn, got the best Christmas blessing of all by playing it forward to another deserving family.