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aden+anais DayDream Blanket for Adults – Holiday Gift Idea

That’s it!  Today’s the end of the 2013 SEBG Holiday Gift Guide!  I hope you enjoyed all 21 products and companies/shops that I shared with you that I think would make the most fabulous Holiday Gifts this Season!

But don’t go yet… number 22 just happens to be one of my absolute favorites on the list.  Why?  Because it’s been on my Want List for months now!

The aden+anais daydream blanket.  Ahhhh… if your child has ever had the pleasure of snuggling with an aden+anais swaddle blanket or dream blanket, you may have had a bit of blanket envy.  No?  Maybe it’s just me!

But I have a feeling I’m not alone.

Who could resist wanting to cuddle in a blanket so pretty, soft, and well, cuddly!?!

When aden+anais released their first Adult Blanket, the market was a-buzz.  The original Daydream blanket comes in 3 colors/prints – Branch Out, Circle Dance, and Ocean Edge.


I received the luscious blanket in the Branch Out print.  There are very light gray prints of bamboo on the top side of the blanket that are just dark enough to give the blanket a bit of depth, matching the outer edge of the blanket.  I’d like to say that we use it for decoration on our bed, but it’s so not true.  I decided to show it to you this way, but it’s always laid across our couch for whoever grabs it first!


The 4-layered muslin blanket is the perfect size for cozying up on the couch, on top of the bed, or in the car.  Mine arrived just in time to make our Pigeon Forge Road Trip so it came along!  The daydream blanket measures a generous 60″ x 72″ and is made of 100% muslin that gets softer with every wash, just like the aden+anais children’s blankets and swaddlers.


The price tag of this blanket may put off some, I’ll admit that I resisted purchasing aden+anais swaddlers for the longest time, even though I always heard rave reviews of them.  The same goes with this blanket.  At $125, it’s definitely a luxury for my family, BUT one that is totally worth it.  If you have the extra to splurge this Holiday Season – do it.  You will NOT be disappointed.

My husband, sweet and cynical as he is, replied “a blanket?” when I told him about this Holiday Gift Guide item.  Remember that Pigeon Forge, TN trip I mentioned?  Yeah, he had it on HIM the entire time.  Mr. Cynical even proclaimed how much he loved the blanket, which has totally got me thinking in investing in another, maybe one of their new bamboo daydream blankets that were just released!


And hubby isn’t my only competition for my daydream blanket either.  Both girls grab it up if it’s not wrapped around me!


Saturday 30th of November 2013

That is amazing! I didn't know they had an adult sized blanket. Loooooove their stuff

Cathy Jarolin

Friday 29th of November 2013

This Blanket sounds awesome.. I hate when I purchase a blanket and the first time I wash it, it has a lot of pile knots on it..( Lint Balls) This blanket looks like it would wash up Beautifully. Expensive ? Yeah! But you pay for what you get.. Thanks for the interesting post..


Friday 29th of November 2013

Cathy - you hit it right on. You definitely get what you pay for! I've washed it probably 10 times now {I have toddler girls that like to use it as much as me} and I swear it gets softer every time!

Robin Wilson

Friday 29th of November 2013

I have heard of these but never had the pleasure of owning one. Sadly, they aren't in my budget this year, but maybe next!

Christy Hermogenes

Friday 29th of November 2013

Definitely would love to own a blanket like this! <3

Allison Downes

Friday 29th of November 2013

They have really nice blankets it seems! I will check this out as a gift for someone.

Thank you for sharing!