If you cloth diaper then you probably have a cloth diaper wet bag. The large hanging wet/dry bags can be used in numerous ways – check it out!
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If you’re looking for a wet/dry bag for any reason, you can stop looking now. I’m getting ready to introduce you to the best cloth diaper wet bag on the market.
While a large hanging wet/dry bag isn’t a necessity to cloth diapering, if you have a few extra dollars to spend in your cloth diapering budget, it should definitely go towards a Planet Wise Hanging Wet Dry Bag.
Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag, Gray Chevron by Planet WisePlanet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Diaper Tote Bag, Quill
Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Diaper Tote Bag
Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Bag, Jewel Woods by Planet Wise
Once I got over the sheer beauty of this April Flowers print, I started thinking about how I could show you how grand it is.
Of course, I could tell you all about how I use it when we go on vacations with cloth diapers, how it accompanies us to all water park trips for our dripping wet bathing suits, and even how it doubles as a diaper pail in our bathroom at times, but I wanted to share even more uses.
So, without further ado, here are…
11 Ways to Use Your Planet Wise Hanging Cloth Diaper Wet Bag
Wet Bag
Let’s start with it’s original purpose. The Hanging Wet/Dry Bag isn’t really meant to be an out-and-about wet bag. Obviously. You can tell by it’s sheer size – it’s big, really big.
Which means it works better as a wet bag when you need a big one. There have even been times where I my smaller wet bag in my diaper bag, then keep my Hanging Wet/Dry Bag in the car and transfer dirty diapers as the smaller one filled up.
I would think this would be especially handy if you had more than 1 child in cloth diapers and planned to be away from home all day.
As the name suggests, one side of the bag houses the “wet” items – soiled diapers, wet clothes, etc. The other side is only reinforced with another panel of the beautiful print. It’s a great place to store clean diapers, clothes, etc.
Duffel Bag
Don’t call me crazy, but this bag is wonderful to travel with, whether you use cloth diapers or not. You can use it to transport clothes, toys, anything while you’re traveling, then once you get to your destination – hang it up as a laundry bag or keep it on the floor.
Pail Liner
If you have a plastic pail and you want to spend money wisely, you can always use the bag as a pail liner. That way, you’ve purchased one bag with multiple purposes – a wet bag if you need it and a pail liner at home.
Beach Bag
This is a wonderful alternative to a tote or beach bag. On your way down, keep your items that you want to stay dry, in the dry side and you can keep water bottles, snacks that you want to stay colder in the wet bag. When you’re done at the beach, dirty towels, toys – whatever stay contained in the wet bag!
Diaper Pail
Don’t have a diaper pail? No problem, the the hanging wet dry bag is your new diaper pail. Hang it on any door knob and you’ve got a diaper pail no matter how much space you have.
Extra Bag in Car
Once your child outgrows their cloth diapers, that doesn’t mean you have to outgrow your wet bag. A great place to keep it is in the car. With kids or pets {or husbands}, you never know when you’ll need a bag to put dirty clothes in!
Gym Bag
So, my husband probably won’t be taking my April Flowers Bag to the gym with him anytime soon, but I totally would take it along!
Dry Seat
Oh yes, I’m going there.
Ever find yourself not being able to sit somewhere because it’s dirty or wet. No more! Ok, so maybe this is a super unconventional use for the Hanging Wet/Dry Bag, but I guarantee it will work in these situations!
Laundry Bag
Whether traveling or at home in the kids room, the bag would make an excellent dirty laundry holder while hanging on a door knob!
Lastly, this goes with any dirty sport, I suppose – but hiking brings to mind dirty boots that I always wonder what to do with.
Because the Hanging Wet/Dry Bag is made of PUL on the inside, I know it will come super clean with a simple wash! I love that I can count on it to contain muddy messes instead of using wasteful plastic bags and tossing them! Plus it’s the only bag I have that’s large enough to fit my husband’s boots!
Planet Wise Hanging Wet/Dry Diaper Tote Bag, Quill
Amber Ludwig
Sunday 13th of December 2015
Love this!! Im a huuuuge wet bag lover!! They are so stinking convenient for pretty much everything!! They are not solely for diapers!! Thanks for showcasing some awesome other uses!! We love bringing ours to the beach!
Wednesday 1st of October 2014
This bag is great! Its so good for traveling with cloth diapers, or even laundry while traveling i love it
Tuesday 5th of August 2014
Awesome idea ! A single bag can be use every moment !
Saturday 8th of February 2014
I love this bag. I got it a couple of months ago and it still looks like new. Can't go wrong for 30 dollars.
Tiffany Merritt
Tuesday 20th of August 2013
Very clever ideas! Love the one about making a seat in a wet/dirty spot!