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Cloth Diapers

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Cloth diapers are actually the entire reason I started blogging and to this day, even though it’s been years since I used them, one of my life passions.

Cloth diapers? A life passion? Yes! Because they are truly what started me on living a more eco friendly, green lifestyle that is healthier for my entire family and our world.

I owe a lot to the cloth diapering community and for that reason, I wrote a lot of blog posts on the subject. This is where you’ll find an easy to read, organized section on all of those cloth diaper posts.

While there are plenty of Moms that are more experienced than me with cloth diapers… I only had 2 babies so I only cloth diapered 2 babies… I researched and researched while I was using them. I do feel like quite the cloth diaper expert, even still.

So, here’s my cloth diaper story and how it all started back in 2009!

One day, as we were browsing a baby store, as I was just about 6 months pregnant, my husband jokingly pointed at a pack of Gerber pre-folds and rubber pants and said, “Since you’ll be a SAHM, you should use those to save us money.” 

He thought he was being funny, but a little light bulb started flickering in my head. I came home and started researching cloth… and my life changed.

Cloth Diaper Drawer Side

Literally, it did. I found a whole new community, circle of friends, and philosophy on living a greener life, even if it was just a few steps at a time.

Everyone thought I was crazy when I told them I was going to cloth diaper Sophia in 2010. What? Didn’t cloth diapers only exist before disposables?! They always asked that question and “with pins?!?”

How do Cloth Diapers Work?

Cloth diapers have dramatically changed since your grandparents time. You won’t quite find those prefolds and pins with most cloth diapering parents.

Instead, you’ll find diapers made from cloth fabrics that look and act just like disposables. Cloth diapers are designed to absorb liquid just like disposable diapers do.

The only difference between disposables and cloth diapers? They’re better for your baby, better for the environment, cheaper in the long run, and way cuter!

Why Choose Cloth Diapers

Cloth diapers are better for the environment. It’s estimated that 27.4 billion disposable diapers are consumed every year. Over 92% of all single-use diapers end up in a landfill. No one knows how long it takes for a disposable diaper to decompose, but it is estimated to be about 250-500 years. [Source – Real Diaper Association]

Cloth diapers are better for your baby’s health. There are chemicals in most disposable diapers and we all know that choosing natural options is better for us all.

Cloth diapers are better for your wallet. – The average cost savings of using Cloth vs. Disposables is an alarming statistic on its own.
“Over a 3 1/2 year time period, you will have used over 8,700 disposable diapers on one child, totaling $2358 for discounted name brands and $1862 for generic/store brands.”Cloth Diapering on a Budget

More cloth diapering on a budget posts:

Of course, there are many other reasons to choose to use cloth diapers, like babies who wear cloth diapers often potty train faster, but I feel like these 3 are the top reasons parents choose to cloth diaper their children.

How to Choose the Right Cloth Diapers

There is no one-system-fits-all when it comes to cloth diapers. That’s why you’ll find so many types of cloth diapers.

I’ve broken down all the types of cloth diapers in another post and share the pros and cons to each.

Types of Cloth Diapers

When you are choosing what type of cloth diapers to use with your child, the main things I think you should keep in mind is style and price.

Ready to see some cloth diapers in action? I’ve review a lot of cloth diapers. And I mean a lot! Check out the Directory of ALL my Cloth Diaper Reviews.

SEBG Directory of Cloth Diaper Reviews

While using wool in cloth diapers is also covered in a few other posts, it’s one of the things that saved cloth diapering for us when my girls got older, especially at nighttime. Here are some of my favorite posts about using wool with cloth diapers.

What about Cloth Diaper Accessories?

There are a ton of great accessories that make cloth diapering easier and dare I say it, more fun?!

Cloth Wipe Solutions

How do you wash cloth diapers?

Besides how do you use cloth diapers, washing questions are definitely one of the most widely asked. While it’s easy for me to say “Oh, it’s easy!” this answer doesn’t come with a one-way-fits-all either.

Here are my posts about washing cloth diapers:

Tips for Using Cloth Diapers

Best Cloth Diapers for New Parents
Stripping Cloth Diapers

Where to Buy Cloth Diapers

When I started cloth diapering in 2010, I could only purchase cloth diapers from online sellers. Now, cloth diapers are sold in mainstream stores like Walmart and Target!

I love that they are much more accessible for the everyday shopper. While it’s great to be able to touch and actually pick out the cloth diapers you’ll use, I would still recommend buying online.

To me, online shopping is just easier. You can find an amazing variety of cloth diapers on Amazon.


Saturday 7th of October 2023

cloth diaper is traditonal and best outfit for new born but its contain a disadvantages like baby skin rashes by the way, wonderful blog! Thank for sharing inforamtion.